COVID 19 risk Assessment

Risk assessment implementation for COVID-19.


Business name and address:  Rackheath Pool Ltd


Person carrying out risk assessment:  Jonathan Reed


Signed and dated (when completed): J Reed 24/07/2020


COVID-19 sickness

What arrangements for sending people home if an employee or customer is displaying symptoms of COVID-19? 

All Staff have been advised not to attend if they have any COVID 19 symptoms. They have also been advised to return home immediately if they develop symptoms whilst on the premises. They will notify the pool manager or owners should they become unwell with COVID 19 symptoms and not attend the pool again until they have been symptom free for 14 days.


Customers have been advised that they cannot attend the pool if they or anyone in their household have had COVID 19 symptoms anytime in the last 14 days.  If they develop symptoms on the premises they and anyone accompanying them are to immediately leave the pool and notify the Pool Manager.  Subsequent sessions for these clients will then be cancelled for a period of 21 days.


Any further action that you would take in the business if this happens?

If anyone develops symptoms at the pool then the pool will be closed and cleaned.


What will you do if an employee informs you that members of his/her household are displaying symptoms of COVID-19?

Staff are not allowed to attend the pool while they or anyone else in their household has COVID 19 symptoms. They will not be allowed to return to the pool until they and anyone in their household has had 14 days symptom free.



  1. Working from home.

“All reasonable steps should be taken by employers to help people work from home. But for those who cannot work from home and whose workplace has not been told to close, our message is clear: you should go to work. Staff should speak to their employer about when their workplace will open”.

Which employees are able to work from home?  The Pool manager can due admin work at home.


If your workplace has not been told to close, when do you plan to open?  July 25th 2020


How have you communicated with staff about this?  By Email



  1. COVID-19 risk assessment, in consultation with workers

“This guidance operates within current health and safety employment and equalities legislation and employers will need to carry out COVID-19 risk assessments in consultation with their workers or trade unions, to establish what guidelines to put in place. If possible, employers should publish the results of their risk assessments on their website and we expect all businesses with over 50 employees to do so”.

What consultation with workers or trade unions will you do?  We have drawn up a detailed plan for reopening listing all the social distancing measures in place along with the sanitisation requirements for entry to the pool premises. This will be circulated to pool staff for comments and any amendments prior to their attending the pool.



Will you publish the results of your risk assessment on your website?  Yes




  1. Social distancing, wherever possible

“Employers should re-design workspaces to maintain 2 metre distances between people by staggering start times, creating one way walk-throughs, opening more entrances and exits, or changing seating layouts in break rooms”.

This business will maintain 2 metre distances between people by; 

Hire of the pool is limited to a maximum of two households simultaneously.  To prevent contact between clients at change over time the pool sessions have been shortened to 55 mins and clients will remain in their cars in the car park until their session begins by which time the previous clients are required to be in their cars.



  1. Where people cannot be 2 metres apart, manage transmission risk

“Employers should look into putting barriers in shared spaces, creating workplace shift patterns or fixed teams minimising the number of people in contact with one another, or ensuring colleagues are facing away from each other”.

This business will manage transmission risk where people cannot be 2 metres apart by; 

Does not apply





  1. Reinforcing cleaning processes

“Workplaces should be cleaned more frequently, paying close attention to high-contact objects like door handles and keyboards. Employers should provide handwashing facilities or hand sanitisers at entry and exit points”.

This business will reinforce cleaning processes by; 

We are requiring all clients and staff to sanitise their hands before entering the pool building. Sanitisers are available in the car park and at the entrance door to the pool.  There are further sanitisers available in the pool building for clients to sanitise any other surface they wish to.  We will monitor that clients observe these requirements by periodic checks of the CCTV system.  The pool building is deep cleaned daily and additional cleaning measures have been implemented. The Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group have advised that the chlorine environment will neutralise any COVID 19.




  1. Monitoring and Enforcement.
After the risk assessment has been completed, what further regular monitoring will be carried out?

We will review the procedures weekly to check that clients and staff are adhering to them by random CCTV checks and make any appropriate changes as required.


How will any further needed changes be put in place? 

Any changes will be notified by email to clients and staff alike where applicable.




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